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  1. Lays emphasis on love for excellence in all matters
  2. Uses the "Modern Paradigm" in understanding that children are not objects but subjects who have distinctive characteristics
  3. Stresses on proper guidance and close monitoring of the students in the classroom as well as in the school environment
  4. Builds a strong desire among students to fulfill the requirements of the modern world but upholding the values of our culture and heritages
  5. Encourages the use English which is the international means of communication
  6. Promotes and accentuates the importance of a teacher's role in the educational development of students
  7. Drives students to develop strong moral and spiritual values
  8. Adopts the universally accepted values like attaining wisdom, following norms and having good manners
  9. Motivates students and teachers to have a strong desire to always be dynamic yet flexible
  10. Inspires students to respect humanity and campion the cause of human rights

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